Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"If ya feel good, ya play good!"

This morning was the usual breakfast...minus the eggs for some reason. Just before leaving to go to the work site, it started to POUR. Mr. Gower started off his van with a quote about someone changing their shirt to match a bandanna, saying, "If ya feel good ya play good!" It was yet another exciting van ride filled with many hilarious quotes from numerous people. At the job sites, we all started off working as hard as we could in the rain. Mr McGower's group started with the siding on their house, while Mrs. Donneloyden's started on their brackets for the roof. Both groups continued working hard throughout the crazy undecided weather: it went from being extremely hot, to pouring, to being extremely hot again, and pouring again. This erratic weather pattern continued all day long. I think we can all agree that lunch was much needed, appreciated, and deserved. After lunch, the group from Korea engaged in a siding race with themselves, which was quite an interesting sight to watch. The Donneloyden's started their siding, finished up putting plywood on their roof, and got their doors and windows in on everything. The McGower's finished up their siding, and even started painting, along with putting in all of the doors and windows. It is safe to say that the buildings were actually starting to look like houses! For dinner, Katie, Brittney, Sarah, and Kate went in early to cook, while the rest of the group stayed behind afterward to clean up after a delicious meal of Spaghetti and meatballs, with garlic bread and brownies! Dom and Jonny started a water fight with everyone while simultaneously having a dance party to music like Bruce Springsteen and Frank Sinatra. After eventful dinner happenings, card games and basketball games occurred outside and everyone enjoyed themselves immensely. We were all grateful for some sleep and showers. Day three was yet another fun and exciting success!

Quotes of the day:
1.) "Dude almost got smoked!" -Mr. Gower
2.) "This is the thunder (holds up one fist). This is the lighting (holds up the other). You don't wanna get caught in the storm!" -Mr. Gower talking to Kevin
3.) "How old do you have to be to get a hot flash?" -Molly Feeney

-Katie Snyder
-Maggie Germain
-Jonathan Sanborn


  1. katie,
    you would get siding dropped on your head;) hope your ok!! and having soo much fun!! keep up the great work :)


  2. Mags,
    Dad was so thrilled to hear from you tonight. We miss you so much. Tell Mols she has plenty of time before hot flashes start!! Her quote of the day had me hysterical! Keep up the good work. We are looking forward to seeing pictures of Day 3! Keep smiling! God Bless. We love you. Mom

  3. Mags,
    You know how well I navigate the computer. As soon as I posted the last comment, I miraculously noticed pictures from Day 3. You look like a pro with the Nibbler. Sleep tight!!

  4. Katie,
    You cooked????? And no one got ill?? lol. House is looking good, It's hard to believe how much you are all getting done! All of you should be so proud of yourselves for what you are doing, and I hope this will encourage others to give of themselves too. There is no greater feeling in the world to know that you have helped someone change their lives.
    Love & miss you,
    Mom, J-man & Christian
    ps Justin says now you can teach your bro how to frame.. he need all the help he can

  5. Hi Sarah, wow you cooked dinner!! Do they know your specialty is preparing breakfast making the most awesome scrambled eggs with your secret ingredients? The house looks great-you accomplished a lot in a few days..Looking forward to more pics of you and the blog..Oh, by the way Biscuit has been looking for you all over the house...Can't wait to see you
    Love, Mom

  6. Hi Genny, It was so nice to hear from you. It sounds like you're having so much fun but are doing incredibly hard work. Again, I am amazed at all the progress you have all made and by the fact that you are "really' building a house. Who knew it was so easy?!(haha--only kidding)Raise your hands and pat yourselves on the back!Be good, be safe and good luck. We are praying for you and the work God bless you. Love, Mom PS We miss you.

  7. Hi Jill, Boy, it really sounds like you and your Prep family should go into the housebuilding business. Looking Good!!!! Last night, Carina made it to her first Bike Night with Dad, Jordan, Tom and Jordan's Dad. Your father said she did fantastic. I am so excited to hear all of your stories from this week. Everyone is asking about you. Make sure you are taking lots of pictures. I am anxious to hear how the family of your finished house reacts. I love you JillyBean and miss you TONS!
    Have a fantastic night...Keep Hydarated and Sunscreened.

  8. Hey Jill, VERY proud of you!! You do know however, that since you are now an experienced "nail-gunner", Tone-Tone will have MANY projects lined up for you while he goes golfing(RUN Jillian, RUN) hee, hee!! No, seriously, VERY proud of you and we can't wait to hear about all your experiences. What wonderful memories you'll have for the rest of your life! See you soon. Love Aunt Mrs. Hart

  9. Hey Jonathan, It was great to talk to you yesterday and we absolutely love watching your daily progress on the blog. I know it's hard work but can tell you are having a blast. It is a great feeling at the end of the day knowing you accomplished so much. The house is so cute, I love it. Maybe we will put you in charge of our building/house "project" when you get back. You all look like pros with those matching hard hats. Miss you and love you lots, Mom

  10. Hi Dom! We loved the picture of you with the nail gun. What did we read? You started a water fight??? Well,it can't be all work and no play. Grandmom sends her love she is so proud of you. "T" bought you some layered gum and left it in your room.We miss you lots! All our love,Mom & Dad

  11. Katie,
    I am so proud of you!
    Great Job everyone!

    Aunt Maureen
