Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 5 Pictures

Sorry they are a bit out of order!

The street full of 5 houses at the end of the day

The two houses our group worked on this week at the end of Day 5

Holding up siding

Mr. Gower showing Jillian how to use the saw

Loved the freeze pop breaks

Some working... some playing with water guns...


The siding team


  1. Great job! You should all be proud of yourselves. Hope y'all have a great day in New Orleans. (Stay away from Pat O'Brien's.)
    Can't wait to see you tomorrow, Erin!

  2. Y'all look like you're working hard! Hope you enjoyed New Orleans!!! Remember what I told some of you: Beware of Donnelly at the wheel.

    Ms. Tyrrell
