Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 2 Pictures

Using the nail gun (after intense instruction)

Peeking over the top of the roof

Waiting for the next piece of plywood for the roof

Working hard to pass the nail inspection

Starting the day with a group hug

Covering the house in plywood


  1. OMG Jilly....the thought of you with that nail gun was my worst nightmare but seeing you with it was your Dad's proudest moment. He has tons of nailgun work lined up for you around the house when you get home....so proud. You sounded great last night. The hard work is so rewarding. Miss you tons. Can't wait to see all the pictures from today. I am glad you are following the golden rule of NO Whining. Enjoy your day today. We expect the Mississippi heat today. Talk to you tonight. xoxoxoxoxo Mom

  2. Hi Erin!
    You guys all look like naturals with your power tools and hard hats. I can't believe how fast the house is going up. You should all be proud of your hard work. Glad you're having such a good time. We all miss you lots but love being able to read the blog and see your pictures. Can't wait for today's update. Stay safe and have fun! Love you--Mom

  3. Hi Sarah, So sorry i missed your call-I worked late yesterday..Wow, yesterday looked like an intense day of work..What a great job you have been doing..I am glad to hear that you got to go to the beach to cool down..Have been kayaking a lot at the lake this week but it isn't the same as kayaking with you. Miss our races around the lake. Anyway, you are working for a great cause and I am proud of you. Stay safe and hydrated and use that sunscreen..
    Love, Mom

  4. That sure is one spiffy looking house! Keep up the good work!
    -Kaitlyn Flanagan
    PS: Erin, not only is that picture of you using the nail gun already the background on my phone, but I am also in the process of framing it while attempting to simultaneously paint a mural of it on my wall (and I'm typing this message at the same time,too. Skillz.). Ha, just kidding! Be careful with that thing. ...Seriously.

  5. Hey Sarah, the house is shaping up mighty fine. Keep up the good work. It's hard labor, however, it is also labor of LOVE. You are doing such a wonderful job !!!! Can't wait to see the pics for tomor. love and miss ya! Aunt Donna XXX OOO

  6. Hey Robert - Your house is looking great. It was so good to hear from you last night. It sounds like you really are becoming that "Prep" family I've heard so much about. Have a great time and be careful. Love Ya,
    Mom, Dad and Erin
